請處理 lyrics/
使用 list.files()
lyrics/Lady Gaga
之下所有的 .txt
檔 (需為相對路徑,相對於 index.Rmd
所在的資料夾),並將結果儲存在變數 songs
# Write your code here
<- list.files(path ="./lyrics", full.names = F)
artists <- list.files(path ="./lyrics/Lady Gaga", full.names = T)
#### Do not modify the code below ####
# Should print out:
#> [1] "Ariana Grande" "Billie Eilish" "Cardi B" "Charlie Puth"
#> [5] "Coldplay" "Dua Lipa" "Ed Sheeran" "Katy Perry"
#> [9] "Khalid" "Lady Gaga" "Nicki Minaj" "Post Malone"
#> [13] "Taylor Swift"
#> [1] "./lyrics/Lady Gaga/HOODIE.txt"
#> [2] "./lyrics/Lady Gaga/I Like It Rough.txt"
#> [3] "./lyrics/Lady Gaga/I Wanna Be With U.txt"
#> [4] "./lyrics/Lady Gaga/Imagine.txt"
#> [5] "./lyrics/Lady Gaga/In Like With You.txt"
#> [6] "./lyrics/Lady Gaga/Joanne.txt"
#> [1] "Ariana Grande" "Billie Eilish" "Cardi B" "Charlie Puth"
#> [5] "Coldplay" "Dua Lipa" "Ed Sheeran" "Katy Perry"
#> [9] "Khalid" "Lady Gaga" "Nicki Minaj" "Post Malone"
#> [13] "Taylor Swift"
#> [1] "./lyrics/Lady Gaga/HOODIE.txt"
#> [2] "./lyrics/Lady Gaga/I Like It Rough.txt"
#> [3] "./lyrics/Lady Gaga/I Wanna Be With U.txt"
#> [4] "./lyrics/Lady Gaga/Imagine.txt"
#> [5] "./lyrics/Lady Gaga/In Like With You.txt"
#> [6] "./lyrics/Lady Gaga/Joanne.txt"
請建立一個 list (儲存在變數 lyrics
內總共有 13 個元素:
內的 13 位創作者姓名提示:
這題會使用到 for
迴圈或是 lapply()
# Write your code here
# Answer 1
<- vector("list", length(artists))
lyrics names(lyrics) <- artists
for (name in artists) {
<- paste0("./lyrics/", name)
fp <- list.files(path = fp, full.names = T)
songs <- songs
# Answer 2
<- lapply(artists, function(x) {
lyrics <- paste0("./lyrics/", x)
fp list.files(path = fp, full.names = T)
})names(lyrics) <- artists
#### Do not modify the code below ####
tail(lyrics[['Taylor Swift']], 3)
tail(lyrics[['Nicki Minaj']], 3)
tail(lyrics[['Ed Sheeran']], 3)
# Should print out:
#> [1] "./lyrics/Taylor Swift/You Need To Calm Down.txt"
#> [2] "./lyrics/Taylor Swift/Your Anything.txt"
#> [3] "./lyrics/Taylor Swift/Your Face.txt"
#> [1] "./lyrics/Nicki Minaj/Young Forever.txt"
#> [2] "./lyrics/Nicki Minaj/Young Money Ballaz.txt"
#> [3] "./lyrics/Nicki Minaj/Your Love.txt"
#> [1] "./lyrics/Ed Sheeran/You Need Me.txt"
#> [2] "./lyrics/Ed Sheeran/You Need to Cut Your Hair.txt"
#> [3] "./lyrics/Ed Sheeran/You.txt"
#> [1] "Ariana Grande" "Billie Eilish" "Cardi B" "Charlie Puth"
#> [5] "Coldplay" "Dua Lipa" "Ed Sheeran" "Katy Perry"
#> [9] "Khalid" "Lady Gaga" "Nicki Minaj" "Post Malone"
#> [13] "Taylor Swift"
#> [1] "./lyrics/Taylor Swift/You Need To Calm Down.txt"
#> [2] "./lyrics/Taylor Swift/Your Anything.txt"
#> [3] "./lyrics/Taylor Swift/Your Face.txt"
#> [1] "./lyrics/Nicki Minaj/Young Forever.txt"
#> [2] "./lyrics/Nicki Minaj/Young Money Ballaz.txt"
#> [3] "./lyrics/Nicki Minaj/Your Love.txt"
#> [1] "./lyrics/Ed Sheeran/You Need Me.txt"
#> [2] "./lyrics/Ed Sheeran/You Need to Cut Your Hair.txt"
#> [3] "./lyrics/Ed Sheeran/You.txt"
#> [1] "Ariana Grande" "Billie Eilish" "Cardi B" "Charlie Puth"
#> [5] "Coldplay" "Dua Lipa" "Ed Sheeran" "Katy Perry"
#> [9] "Khalid" "Lady Gaga" "Nicki Minaj" "Post Malone"
#> [13] "Taylor Swift"
你的任務是使用 dplyr
的函數整理 anime.csv
本題已為大家讀入 anime.csv
這份csv檔,並儲存到 anime
# 讀入資料
<- read_csv('anime.csv')
anime #### Do not modify the code above ####
,並將更改過後的數值放進這個欄位中。(4分)完成後,將結果存回到 anime
# Write your code here
anime select(Name, Genders, Type, Source, Score, Popularity) %>%
rename(Genres = Genders) %>%
mutate(Score_new = round(Score))
#### Do not modify the code below ####
11:16, -2]
# Should print out:
#> [1] "Name" "Genres" "Type" "Source" "Score"
#> [6] "Popularity" "Score_new"
#> # A tibble: 6 x 6
#> Name Type Source Score Popularity Score_new
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Naruto TV Manga 7.91 8 8
#> 2 One Piece TV Manga 8.52 31 9
#> 3 Tennis no Ouji-sama TV Manga 7.9 1039 8
#> 4 Ring ni Kakero 1 TV Manga 6.38 7333 6
#> 5 School Rumble TV Manga 7.94 514 8
#> 6 Sunabouzu TV Manga 7.42 1284 7
#> [1] "Name" "Genres" "Type" "Source" "Score"
#> [6] "Popularity" "Score_new"
#> # A tibble: 6 x 6
#> Name Type Source Score Popularity Score_new
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Naruto TV Manga 7.91 8 8
#> 2 One Piece TV Manga 8.52 31 9
#> 3 Tennis no Ouji-sama TV Manga 7.9 1039 8
#> 4 Ring ni Kakero 1 TV Manga 6.38 7333 6
#> 5 School Rumble TV Manga 7.94 514 8
#> 6 Sunabouzu TV Manga 7.42 1284 7
承上題,請製作一份摘要表,找出 anime
完成後,將結果儲存到 anime_summary
下方已使用 dplyr 函數完成部份的程式碼,但其順序是錯誤的。 請你修改下方程式碼 (改變函數順序,並在函數內填入適當的程式碼),讓輸出的摘要表符合題目要求。
# Write your code here
<- anime %>%
anime_summary top_n() %>%
filter() %>%
arrange() %>%
group_by() %>%
#> Selecting by Score_new
#> Error in is_quosure(x): argument "x" is missing, with no default
## answer
<- anime %>%
anime_summary select(-Genres, -Score_new) %>%
filter(!is.na(Score)) %>%
group_by(Type) %>%
top_n(-3, Popularity) %>%
#### Do not modify the code below ####
# Should print out:
#> # A tibble: 6 x 5
#> # Groups: Type [2]
#> Name Type Source Score Popularity
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood TV Manga 9.19 3
#> 2 Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi Movie Original 8.83 41
#> 3 Mononoke Hime Movie Original 8.72 91
#> 4 Howl no Ugoku Shiro Movie Novel 8.67 98
#> 5 Death Note TV Manga 8.63 1
#> 6 Shingeki no Kyojin TV Manga 8.48 2
#> # A tibble: 6 x 5
#> # Groups: Type [2]
#> Name Type Source Score Popularity
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood TV Manga 9.19 3
#> 2 Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi Movie Original 8.83 41
#> 3 Mononoke Hime Movie Original 8.72 91
#> 4 Howl no Ugoku Shiro Movie Novel 8.67 98
#> 5 Death Note TV Manga 8.63 1
#> 6 Shingeki no Kyojin TV Manga 8.48 2
中的 gg
指的是 Grammar of Graphics,旨在透過一套語法去描述繪圖的過程。 基於這個理念的設計下,ggplot2
的繪圖函數都有一套固定的結構 (模板)。要繪製不同的圖片,只需將必要的東西填入模板當中的 “slot” 即可。
你的任務是使用內建資料 mpg
繪製出散布圖。散布圖的 x 軸為 cty
(city miles per gallon,城市駕駛油耗),y 軸為 hwy
(highway miles per gallon,高速公路駕駛油耗) ,其輸出之後應和下圖一樣:
# Write your code here
ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy)) +
和 hwy
的線性回歸線 (3 分)。city miles (per gallon)
;y 軸標題改為 highway miles (per gallon)
(4 分)。你輸出的圖片應要長這樣
# Write your code here
ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy)) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(~factor(year)) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
labs(x = 'city miles (per gallon)',
y = 'highway miles (per gallon)')
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
請使用 covid19_confirmed
這份 csv 檔,將資料整理好,並寫一個可繪製任意多國於任意時段之確診案例數比較圖的 function 。
本題已為大家讀入 covid19_confirmed
這份 csv 檔,並儲存到 confirmed
這個變數裡。請你觀察 confirmed
的格式,會發現它是一個以「省份」 (Province
)、「國家」 (Country
) 和「每日日期」 (1/22/20
) 為欄位名稱的寬表格。
# 讀入資料
<- read_csv("./covid19_confirmed.csv")
confirmed #### Do not modify the code above ####
) 和「國家」 (Country
) 這兩個欄位不變動,將它轉為 tidy 的長表格(即符合每個橫列代表一個觀察值且每個直欄代表一個變數的形式),以 Date
和 Confirmed
為變數(欄位)名稱整理各國各省份不同日期的確診人數。提示:你可能會需要用到 tidyr
這個變數裡。# Write your code here
<- confirmed %>%
tidydf gather(key = "Date", value = "Confirmed",
-c("Province", "Country"))
#### Do not modify the code below ####
tidydf# Should print out:
#> # A tibble: 124,122 x 4
#> Province Country Date Confirmed
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 <NA> Afghanistan 1/22/20 0
#> 2 <NA> Albania 1/22/20 0
#> 3 <NA> Algeria 1/22/20 0
#> 4 <NA> Andorra 1/22/20 0
#> 5 <NA> Angola 1/22/20 0
#> 6 <NA> Antigua and Barbuda 1/22/20 0
#> 7 <NA> Argentina 1/22/20 0
#> 8 <NA> Armenia 1/22/20 0
#> 9 Australian Capital Territory Australia 1/22/20 0
#> 10 New South Wales Australia 1/22/20 0
#> # ... with 124,112 more rows
#> # A tibble: 124,122 x 4
#> Province Country Date Confirmed
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 <NA> Afghanistan 1/22/20 0
#> 2 <NA> Albania 1/22/20 0
#> 3 <NA> Algeria 1/22/20 0
#> 4 <NA> Andorra 1/22/20 0
#> 5 <NA> Angola 1/22/20 0
#> 6 <NA> Antigua and Barbuda 1/22/20 0
#> 7 <NA> Argentina 1/22/20 0
#> 8 <NA> Armenia 1/22/20 0
#> 9 Australian Capital Territory Australia 1/22/20 0
#> 10 New South Wales Australia 1/22/20 0
#> # … with 124,112 more rows
請使用 as.Date
這個函數將 Date
欄位的資料型態從 <chr>
轉為 <date>
(若不熟悉這個函數,可使用 ?as.Date
查看說明),並整理出各國不分省份從 2020/1/22 至 2021/4/18 的每日總確診人數摘要表,並儲存到 tidysum
# Write your code here
<- tidydf %>%
tidysum mutate(Date = as.Date(Date, "%m/%d/%y")) %>%
group_by(Country, Date) %>%
summarise(Confirmed = sum(Confirmed)) %>%
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Country'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
#### Do not modify the code below ####
%>% filter(Country %in% c("Canada", "United Kingdom"), Confirmed > 1000000)
tidysum # Should print out:
#> # A tibble: 186 x 3
#> Country Date Confirmed
#> <chr> <date> <dbl>
#> 1 Canada 2021-04-03 1005296
#> 2 Canada 2021-04-04 1008808
#> 3 Canada 2021-04-05 1017130
#> 4 Canada 2021-04-06 1027854
#> 5 Canada 2021-04-07 1035242
#> 6 Canada 2021-04-08 1043478
#> 7 Canada 2021-04-09 1052560
#> 8 Canada 2021-04-10 1060052
#> 9 Canada 2021-04-11 1067764
#> 10 Canada 2021-04-12 1078482
#> # ... with 176 more rows
#> # A tibble: 186 x 3
#> Country Date Confirmed
#> <chr> <date> <dbl>
#> 1 Canada 2021-04-03 1005296
#> 2 Canada 2021-04-04 1008808
#> 3 Canada 2021-04-05 1017130
#> 4 Canada 2021-04-06 1027854
#> 5 Canada 2021-04-07 1035242
#> 6 Canada 2021-04-08 1043478
#> 7 Canada 2021-04-09 1052560
#> 8 Canada 2021-04-10 1060052
#> 9 Canada 2021-04-11 1067764
#> 10 Canada 2021-04-12 1078482
#> # … with 176 more rows
如果你真的不知道如何做答上面這兩題,助教已將 2.2.2 應輸出的結果存成 agiftforyou.csv
1,請在下方程式碼區塊讀入檔案,並命名為 tidysum
,接著還是可以繼續完成 2.1.3 。
注意:但若你有寫前兩題,只不過對自己寫出來的答案沒信心,還是選擇讀入 agiftforyou.csv
,前面兩題 (2.1.1 和 2.1.2) 都會以零分計算。
# If you need the gift, please import it in this chunk
請你完成 compare_plot
這個 function ,它的功能是畫出不同國家在特定期間確診數的折線圖。以下為這個 function 的 5 個引數與其說明:
:讓使用者可輸入想使用的資料。資料型態為 data frame 。countries
:讓使用者可輸入想比較的國家,其長度可大於或等於 1。start
:起始日期(含)。輸入格式為 yyyy-mm-dd
:終止日期(含)。輸入格式為 yyyy-mm-dd
:讓使用者可選擇是否在折線圖上標示資料點。預設為 FALSE
。# Modify the code below
<- function(df, countries, start, end, point = FALSE) {
compare_plot <- ggplot(subset(df, Country %in% countries &
plot >= start & Date <= end)) +
Date geom_line(aes(Date, Confirmed, color = Country))
if (point == TRUE) {
<- plot + geom_point(aes(Date, Confirmed, color = Country))
Figure. covid_a
Figure. covid_b
#### Do not modify the code below ####
# Should be like Figure. covid_a
compare_plot(tidysum, c("China", "Korea, South"), "2021-04-01", "2021-04-10", TRUE)
#### Do not modify the code below ####
# Should be like Figure. covid_b
compare_plot(tidysum, c("Canada", "Argentina", "France"), "2020-12-25", "2020-12-31")
請依據上方的因果結構模擬出資料。在這題中,總共有 4 個變項:
(Mom’s Skill): 母親的廚藝dad
(Dad’s Skill): 父親的廚藝kid
(Kid’s Skill): 孩子的廚藝gender
(Kid’s Gender): 孩子的性別在這個因果結構中,我們假定孩子的廚藝受到父親以及母親廚藝的影響。除此之外,我們還做了一個額外的假設:
請根據上圖模擬出這 4 個變項的資料,並將結果儲存成一個 data frame df
, dad
與 kid
與 dad
來自標準常態分配 (平均 = 0, 標準差 = 1)kid
來自標準差 = 1 的常態分配gender
來自伯努利分配 f(x)=px(1−p)1−x,其中:
x=1 代表男性;x=0 代表女性。參數 p
為男性的機率,為 0.55
,下方的程式碼已幫同學們模擬好 gender
或 0
,可用來模擬一些只有兩種結果的現象 (例如,擲一次硬幣出現正面或反面)。伯努利分配只有一個參數 p
用以決定事件出現的機率 (例如,硬幣擲出正面 (1
) 的機率)。 在 base R 裡面,可以透過二項分配 (rbinom()
) 去模擬伯努利分配,因為二項分配即是 n
個獨立的伯努利試驗結果的加總。換言之,當 n
等於 1
時,二項分配即是一個伯努利分配。例如,若想從一個 p = 0.7
的伯努利分配去抽取出 3 個樣本,可以使用:
rbinom(n = 3, size = 1, prob = 0.7)
#> [1] 1 1 0
因為 p = 0.7
的伯努利分配相當於 n = 1
(由 rbinom()
裡的 size
設置)、p = 0.7
(由 rbinom()
裡的 prob
設置) 的二項分配。
對 kid
對 kid
」的因果影響皆為正向的,但影響的強度會依據孩子的性別 (gender
) 改變:
對 kid
的影響強度 (係數) 為 1.0
對 kid
的影響強度 (係數) 為 1.5
對 kid
的影響強度 (係數) 為 1.5
對 kid
的影響強度 (係數) 為 1.0
#### Do not modify the code above ####
<- 500
N <- rnorm(N)
dad <- rnorm(N)
mom <- rbinom(N, size = 1, prob = 0.55) # Bernoulli, 1: male, 0: female
# Simulate kid's skill (moderated by gender)
<- vector("double", length = N)
kid for (i in seq_along(gender)) {
# Differential effects based on kid's gender
if (gender[i] == 1)
<- 1.5*dad[i] + 1.0*mom[i]
m else
<- 1.0*dad[i] + 1.5*mom[i]
m <- rnorm(n = 1, mean = m)
<- data.frame(
df dad = dad,
mom = mom,
gender = gender,
kid = kid
#### Do not modify the code below ####
tail(df, 10)
# Should print out:
#> dad mom gender kid
#> 491 0.39742373 -3.1746860 1 -3.6361269
#> 492 0.05349804 0.1558408 1 -0.8539515
#> 493 0.36071734 0.1115669 1 0.8258999
#> 494 0.94195740 1.0810747 0 3.1703803
#> 495 0.39592784 -0.8354654 0 -2.0449140
#> 496 0.91671870 0.1557979 1 1.0999368
#> 497 0.14715859 0.7863578 0 0.2715137
#> 498 -0.56556242 0.6051137 1 -0.2888568
#> 499 -0.13921002 3.0161313 1 3.0278126
#> 500 -0.03405183 -0.3603594 1 0.8489946
#> dad mom gender kid
#> Min. :-2.843564 Min. :-3.17469 Min. :0.000 Min. :-6.0272
#> 1st Qu.:-0.654175 1st Qu.:-0.57318 1st Qu.:0.000 1st Qu.:-1.2959
#> Median :-0.020412 Median : 0.09085 Median :1.000 Median : 0.0912
#> Mean : 0.008413 Mean : 0.08744 Mean :0.512 Mean : 0.1638
#> 3rd Qu.: 0.709016 3rd Qu.: 0.77380 3rd Qu.:1.000 3rd Qu.: 1.6481
#> Max. : 2.772793 Max. : 3.09273 Max. :1.000 Max. : 6.2474
#> dad mom gender kid
#> 491 0.39742373 -3.1746860 1 -3.6361269
#> 492 0.05349804 0.1558408 1 -0.8539515
#> 493 0.36071734 0.1115669 1 0.8258999
#> 494 0.94195740 1.0810747 0 3.1703803
#> 495 0.39592784 -0.8354654 0 -2.0449140
#> 496 0.91671870 0.1557979 1 1.0999368
#> 497 0.14715859 0.7863578 0 0.2715137
#> 498 -0.56556242 0.6051137 1 -0.2888568
#> 499 -0.13921002 3.0161313 1 3.0278126
#> 500 -0.03405183 -0.3603594 1 0.8489946
#> dad mom gender kid
#> Min. :-2.843564 Min. :-3.17469 Min. :0.000 Min. :-6.0272
#> 1st Qu.:-0.654175 1st Qu.:-0.57318 1st Qu.:0.000 1st Qu.:-1.2959
#> Median :-0.020412 Median : 0.09085 Median :1.000 Median : 0.0912
#> Mean : 0.008413 Mean : 0.08744 Mean :0.512 Mean : 0.1638
#> 3rd Qu.: 0.709016 3rd Qu.: 0.77380 3rd Qu.:1.000 3rd Qu.: 1.6481
#> Max. : 2.772793 Max. : 3.09273 Max. :1.000 Max. : 6.2474
若需要請自行至 https://rlads2021.github.io/deps/agiftforyou.csv 下載檔案↩︎